WhatsApp Image 2023-11-11 at 5.02.47 PM (1)

Carer Information


Faheem Arsahd

Phone Number

+92 333 476 8348

Whatsapp No.

+92 333 476 8348

Patient Name

Miral Fatima

SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) is a group of genetic disorders causing weakness and muscle wasting, primarily in the muscles controlling movement. Theseverity of SMA varies from person to person, but it is the leading genetic cause of infant mortality worldwide.

SMA Type

Type 3


This video will provide an introduction to SMA, explaining the causes, symptoms, and current treatments available. We will also discuss ongoing research and theseverity of SMA can vary widely, from relatively mild weakness to complete paralysis. In severe cases, the disorder can be life-threatening, particularly when it affects the muscles responsible for breathing.